Papworth Hospital, Addenbrookes
New Papworth Hospital
Addenbrooks hospital

Light Bulb Staircase, Prague

KPMG Accountants Building Cambridge

Kings Cross Railway Station
Kings Cross Railway Station showing the new roof completed in 2014

Faculty of Law, Cambridge
Twilight photograph of the Faculty of Law, Cambridge

The Icon, Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Taken in winter twilight

Faculty of Law, Cambridge
Twilight photograph of the Facutly of Law, Cambridge

Copper Building, Cambridge
Prestigous residentail building in Cambridge with great architectural features

Kings College Chapel Cambridge

Kings College Chapel, Cambridge
Side view of Kings College Chapel in Cambridge

Clare Bridge, Cambridge

Gateway to Clare Bridge, Cambridge

Papworth Hospital, Addenbrookes
New Papworth Hospital
Addenbrooks hospital
Light Bulb Staircase, Prague
KPMG Accountants Building Cambridge
Kings Cross Railway Station
Kings Cross Railway Station showing the new roof completed in 2014
Faculty of Law, Cambridge
Twilight photograph of the Faculty of Law, Cambridge
The Icon, Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Taken in winter twilight
Faculty of Law, Cambridge
Twilight photograph of the Facutly of Law, Cambridge
Copper Building, Cambridge
Prestigous residentail building in Cambridge with great architectural features
Kings College Chapel Cambridge
Kings College Chapel, Cambridge
Side view of Kings College Chapel in Cambridge
Clare Bridge, Cambridge
Gateway to Clare Bridge, Cambridge
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